How to Use The Giani Magnetic Lashes?

Learn how you can apply your Giani Lashes in just minutes! It usually take some time to get used to, but after some practice, you will put them super easy and quickly.

NOTE: The Giani Magnetic Lash Kit Include 4 Magnetic Lashes (2 for each eye). You will find them in the mirror case grouped in pairs. To use them you must separate them from each other (as the tutorial indicates)

1. Separate the Two Lash Strips

Each set of lashes is designed for both eyes. The lashes are shorter near the inner corner of the eye and longer toward the outer corner. Be sure to carefully distinguish the front from the back.

Gently remove one lash strip and lightly rub the area with the magnet up and down to separate it into two individual strips.

Important: Do not pull the lashes apart directly, as this may cause them to break.

2. Place the Lashes in the Magnetic Applicator

Each eyelash strip has 3 magnets. The magnets have a flat side and a raised side.

Place each lash strip on the applicator making sure that the flat side rests on the applicator, and the raised side points towards the center. Otherwise the lash strip will stick to the applicator and not to your lashes.

3. Check the Non-Magnet edge of the lash strip.

After placing the two lash strips on the applicator, identify that the non-magnet edge of the upper and lower lash strips match each other. This non-magnet edge always goes on the outer side of the eye (away from the nose) and the magnet eyel goes on the inner side of the eye (near the

Verify that the 3 nano-magnets on the upper and lower strips are visible and aligned with each other.

4. Check the Lash Direction Before Wearing

Verify the lash strips are oriented and pointing upwards, as shown in the picture.

Before applying, check that the following points are met. The magnets are pointing to the center. The top and bottom magnets are aligned with each other. The non-magnet edges are on the same side of the applicator. The lower and upper lash strips are pointing upwards.

If all these items are correct, you can move on to the next application step, otherwise please recheck the previous steps.

5. Place the magnetic applicator close to your eye.

For optimal application, hold a mirror under your chin, at about 45°.

First, bring the top of the magnetic applicator close to your upper eyelid. Gently push the upper eyelid upward to bring more of the eye into view and keep your gaze steady.

Next, carefully close the lower lash strip upward, letting it snap into place. Move the curler horizontally to adjust the position if necessary.

Tip: If you're new to magnetic lashes and this is your first time using magnetic lashes, you'll most likely need some practice. Don't worry, practice makes

6. Tips for removing

To remove your magnetic lashes, gently pinch the small magnet at the outer corner of your eye using your fingertips and carefully slide it away. Then, repeat the process with the magnet in the center and finally the one near your eyelid. The lashes will come off easily.

Important: Never pull them off directly, as this could damage your natural lashes.